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Photos for illustrative purposes only

Abobrinha recheada com carne moida.jpg

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat

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Arroz de espinafre.jpg

spinach rice

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Batata recheada.jpg

Stuffed potato

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Chips de batata doce no forno.jpg

Sweet potato chips in the oven

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curry de vegetais.jpg

vegetable curry

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Ensopado com brocolis.jpg

Broccoli stew

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Baroa potato hide with mushrooms

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Escondidinho de batata doce.jpg

Sweet potato hideaway

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red bean stew

click on the photo
Hamburguer de quinoa.jpg

quinoa burger

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Homus Tahine.jpg

hummus tahini

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Lasanha de berinjela.jpg

Eggplant lasagna

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Omelete de espinafre.jpg

Spinach omelet

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Pizza de Brocolis.jpg

broccoli pizza

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Light Cauliflower Puree 

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Queijo vegetariano.jpg

vegetarian cheese

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Quibe fit.jpg

Kibe fit

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Chickpea Quiche

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Quinoa recipes

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Shimeji Recipes

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red bean salad

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Salada de quinoa com tomate.jpg

Quinoa salad with tomato and capers

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